Travel checklist: essential child first aid kit

In an ideal world, no-one would ever get ill on holiday. Unfortunately germs are always with us, whether it’s colds caught on the plane or the slightly dodgy beach snack.

Throw in teething and babies’ ability to go from happy to high temperature almost instantly, and I never travel without a first aid kit.

Because when you don’t recognise the various brands of medicine and do have a sick child, a pharmacy in a foreign country is not my preferred place to improve my language skills if I can avoid it.

So along with travel insurance and a GHIC if you’re travelling in Europe (or an old EHIC if it hasn’t expired), here’s my kids’ first aid kit contents – a list of everything parents should consider before they head off, with babies, toddlers and older kids – or download my checklist herefor tips on what should be in your essentialchild first aid kit.

Child first aid kid: Holiday first aid kit for toddlers/babies/young children

  • Painkillers –liquid paracetamol and ibuprofen. Calpol (for 2 months +) and Nurofen for Children(for 3 months +) both do individual sachets, as well as bottles, which are ideal for keeping in handluggage.
  • Medicine spoons/syringes – come as standard with the painkillers, but don’t forget to pack them. (Syringes are particularly useful in a baby travel medicine kit)
  • Antihistamine – for anything from allergies to insect bites and chickenpox. Piriton syrup is suitable for 1 year and up, while Boots also has an own-brand version.
  • Plasters/bandages – a selection including:
    ☐ A triangular bandage
    ☐ Finger bandages
    ☐ Sterile dressings (including non-adhesive versions)
    ☐ Gauze
    ☐ Microporous tape (can be used over dressings or with cotton wool on tiny baby fingers)
    ☐ Sticky plasters (cartoon characters options)
  • Antiseptic
  • Antiseptic wipes
  • Cream or antiseptic spray – Savlon First Aid Wash spray is great, or Elastoplast has its own version
  • Hand sanitiser
  • Thermometer – in-ear versions are most accurate (Aldi has some great ones)
  • Saline solution/eye wash
  • Saline nasal spray – for colds and stuffed up noses. Sterimar does a version that’s suitable from birth
  • Insect repellent – most ranges have options suitable for 6 months +, and natural brand incognito can be used on young babies
  • Burn treatment – burn gel or burn gel dressings for use on minor burns
  • Tweezers
  • Scissors